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Sweet Carrollines
President: Plan bi-weekly meetings/practices, arrange multiple performances and a bi-annual concert.
2013-14 PR Officer: Manage social media sites and any articles written about the group.
Public Relations Student Society of America (Carroll Relations)
​President: Coordinate meetings and interactions between organizations. Delegate tasks and
organize PRSSA members for maximum efficiency.
Designed the logo and blog icon for the John Carroll chapter.
Write monthly blog posts.
Click the image to go to the blog.
The Carroll News​​
Write articles for the Arts and Life section of the Carroll News (JCU's weekly publication).
Click the CN logo to see my work. 2014-15 I took over as copy editor.
Residence Hall Association

​​As the Public Relations officer, I put out announcements and posters, as well as help plan events. I also manage the social media sites and website. Large annual events include Trick-or-Treat, Little Sibs Weekend, and Easter Egg Hunt. 

Click the images below to see pdf. files of some flyers that were posted campus wide.

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RHA Logo

RHA Logo

Trick of Treat 2013 Atrium Banner

Trick of Treat 2013 Atrium Banner

2013 Easter Egg Hunt

2013 Easter Egg Hunt

2013 Little Sibs Weekend Sketch

2013 Little Sibs Weekend Sketch

2013 Trick or Treat Candy

2013 Trick or Treat Candy

2012 Door Decorating

2012 Door Decorating

2013 Door Decorating Flier

2013 Door Decorating Flier

2013 Little Sibs Weekend Craft Room

2013 Little Sibs Weekend Craft Room

2013 Little Sibs Weekend Photo Booth

2013 Little Sibs Weekend Photo Booth

2013 Little Sibs Weekend Photo Booth

2013 Little Sibs Weekend Photo Booth

2013 Little Sibs Jungle Terry

2013 Little Sibs Jungle Terry

2012 Trick or Treat

2012 Trick or Treat

2012 Trick or Treat

2012 Trick or Treat

2012 Trick or Treat Dorm Winners

2012 Trick or Treat Dorm Winners

2012 Trick or Treat Registration

2012 Trick or Treat Registration

2012 Trick or Treat

2012 Trick or Treat

2012 Trick or Treat Cutest Costume

2012 Trick or Treat Cutest Costume

Halloween 2012

Halloween 2012

2013 Little Sibs Weekend Post Card

2013 Little Sibs Weekend Post Card

2013 Easter Egg Hunt

2013 Easter Egg Hunt

2013 Little Sibs Weekend Face Paint

2013 Little Sibs Weekend Face Paint

2013 Little Sibs Weekend Exec. Board

2013 Little Sibs Weekend Exec. Board

2012 Trick or Treat Exec. Board

2012 Trick or Treat Exec. Board

2012 Trick or Treat Exec. Board

2012 Trick or Treat Exec. Board

eMinor Club
Vice President and founding
member. I assist the president with his multiple duties, as well as complete secretarial/adminitratied tasks.
We put on multiple events throughout each semester to stumilate entrepreneurship students including guest speakers and field trips. I designed the above logo.
2014 EEC Immesion Week: 1st Place
11 universities from NE Ohio gathered at the University of Akron for a week of intense business/idea development and entrepreneurship-minded lectures.
John Carroll took 1st place with our team of 4 and idea of Confidence, a unique feminine product (in developmenet).
Read an article on the program.


All EIW Teams

All EIW Teams

Rachel Distler

Rachel Distler





EIW 1st Place

EIW 1st Place

Development Process

Development Process



Public Relations/Integrated Marketing

Rachel M. Distler



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